Painted Street Murals

Last Updated: 6-26-2024Print page

Painted intersections and street murals help give neighborhoods a sense of place and can be a way to organize community members around a common goal. Street murals not only increase the aesthetic value of roadway space, they may also have indirect effects on helping to slow neighborhood traffic. Murals may be painted in mid-block locations on non-arterial streets or in non-arterial intersections. All murals must be approved by SDOT’s Transportation Operations Division and must use skid resistant paint. 

Specific steps and guidelines for permitting a street mural can be found on the Public Amenities Permits page, see Intersection Painting

Stairways that are located in the public right-of-way also present an opportunity for painting. This is allowed under a similar process to permitting street murals, but would also require review by SDOT’s Roadway Structures team. Risers are the only part of the stair that are permissible to paint. 

For information on the Community Crosswalk Program, see Pedestrian Crossing.
