4.5 Preliminary Assessment Report
In the initial stages of the SDCI permitting process, SDCI Land Use, SDCI Drainage, SDOT, SPU and SCL review the proposed project. Following the review the applicant will receive a Preliminary Application Report (PAR) with all of the reviewers’ comments and requirements combined into the report. The SDOT portion of the report contains SDOT permitting requirements, required ROW improvements and recommendations from the Citywide modal master plans, streetscape concept plans, and the complete streets policy.
The requirements are based on the information provided by the applicant in the Preliminary Application Package. As with all permitting requirements, it is the sole responsibility of the applicant to obtain the necessary permits for their project prior to project construction. Problems or delays that occur during construction due to the lack of a permit or due to the lack of coordination with SDOT are the responsibility of the applicant.