Construction Inspection and Testing Procedures

Last Updated: 6-9-2015Print page

The owner of the project, owner’s representative, and/or General Contractor is responsible for scheduling all required inspections for their work and the work of their sub-contractors. Street Use Inspector will coordinate all inspections required by other City Inspectors such as electrical, landscaping, structural components, etc.

The Street Use Inspector will conduct the scheduled inspection and document the inspection. Results of the inspection will be forwarded to the owner, owner’s representative, and/or General Contractor. Any corrective action and additional inspection will be coordinated through the appropriate parties as noted above. 

Any deviations from the approved permit and plans will be documented. All significant changes and revisions of the permits shall be submitted to Street Use for review and approval. The contractor is responsible for all required corrective actions.

Street Use Inspectors are responsible for ensuring that work completed under Street Use permits is constructed in accordance with the rules and regulations of the City of Seattle such as: approved plans, permit requirements, City Municipal Code, Ordinances, Director’s Rules, Traffic Control Manual, and the City Standard Plans and Specifications

Additional Special Inspectors (such as geotechnical engineers, structural inspectors, or material testing labs) may be required to be available during construction to provide reports and recommendations to the contractor and Street Use Inspectors. Street Use inspectors may also rely on other City inspectors (SDOT Urban Forestry, SDOT Signal Operations, SPU) for certain inspections.

CAM 2217 describes the process for scheduling inspections and describes when inspections may be required as part of a typical Street Improvement Project. In addition, Street use Inspectors may monitor construction sites to ensure safer mobility and access adjacent to the construction sites for all street users.