Festival Streets

Last Updated: 7-17-2017Print page

Georgetown Festival Street on 12th Avenue S between S Vale (All-City Coffee) and S Bailey Streets.

A Festival Street is a portion of public right-of-way that has been designated by the Department of Transportation for recurring temporary closure to vehicle traffic use for the purpose of pedestrian-oriented special activities (SMC 11.14.203).  Activities may include music or dance performances, art shows or displays, games or other community events and celebrations.

Festival Streets are intended for scheduled community building and pedestrian-oriented street activity.

The Festival Street permit is a Street Use permit intended for community groups, businesses, or individuals that would like to plan one or more closures of a designated festival street on a pre-approved schedule and for pre-approved activities throughout the year. By requiring only one application and fee payment per year, this permit encourages neighborhoods to make frequent use of these public places. There are some activities that would not qualify for a Festival Street permit. These include:  any activity or event that meets the threshold for a Special Event permit, anticipated attendance of more than 300 people, or vending of any kind.