3.15 Fire Station Area

Last Updated: 6-9-2017Print page

Fire Station Design Standards

Access for emergency vehicles in the right-of-way is critical for the safety and well being of the city. Streets Illustrated requires consultation with the Seattle Fire Department for design within the right-of-way on designated emergency response routes near fire stations suggested as Seattle Fire Department (SFD). The designated streets can be viewed on the Street Type map. See Seattle Fire Code Appendix D for additional design guidance.

Design Criteria

Curb radius: A curb radius of 25′ or greater is required on SFD designated street sections.

Traffic calming: Traffic calming like raised crosswalks and traffic circles are not allowed on SFD designated street sections.

Curb to curb: Any narrowing of curb to curb distance requires SFD approval on Seattle Fire Department designated street sections.

One way streets: Any change in one way streets on SFD designated street sections requires SFD approval.

Bike facilities: New bike facility design requires approval by SFD on SFD designated street sections.

Parking: On street parking is not allowed within 30 feet of the intersection.

Fire Hydrants


Links to Standard Plans and Specifications

Standard Specification 7-14: Hydrants
Standard Plan 310a and 310b: Type 310 Hydrant Setting Detail
Standard Plan 311a and 311b: Type 311 Hydrant Setting Detail
Standard Plan 312: Fire Hydrant Marker Layout
Standard Plan 313: Wall Requirements for Hydrants
Standard Plan 314: Fire Hydrant Locations and Clearances

Design Criteria

Hydrant pressure: The Seattle Fire Department requires that hydrants operate at a minimum residual pressure of 20 psi. Design and construction of fire protection features should comply with Seattle Fire Code and the Standard Plans and Specifications.

Hydrant resets, relocations and adjustments: Any hydrant resets, relocations and/or adjustments will be identified during the design approval process or with construction scheduling. These changes require 4-6 weeks advance notice. Please contact SPU Customer Service at 684-3333.

Fire flow requirements: The Seattle Fire Department and SPU Engineering will authorize all designs impacting fire flow. The following requirements apply, however they are general and should be confirmed with the Fire Department.:

  • Required FF 1000 gpm (single family)
  • Required FF 4000 gpm (commercial)
  • Required FF 8000 gpm (major institution)

Fire hydrant Locations: Fire hydrant locations must conform to Standard Specification 7-14 and Standard Plan 314.

Use of fire hydrants under non-firefighting conditions: Temporary use of a hydrant by private individuals, businesses or organizations will be allowed under certain conditions. To this extent, Seattle Public Utilities will control use of all hydrants within the distribution system.  A temporary water service from the distribution system, for less than six months, may be authorized via a hydrant use permit or hydrant use meter issued by SPU Development Services Office.  For information regarding Hydrant Permits please contact the SPU Development Services Office.

Reference: http://www.seattle.gov/util/Services/Water/WaterRates/index.asp.

Design Considerations

  • During survey activities, be sure to note the location of existing hydrants and planned hydrant spacing appropriately.
  • Hydrants should not be placed next to driveways or other private access points where they may impede existing access.
  • Seattle Public Utilities supplies hydrants. For the developer water main extension program contractors will be provided with correct make model of hydrant per specs and will be required to procure their own hydrant. Please contact SPU Development Services Office for more information.
  • Changes to fire service including street access during construction require coordination with the Seattle Fire Department.