Shared Lanes
Last Updated: 1-9-2017Print page
Shared lanes may be marked with the addition of shared lane markings. Shared lanes are appropriate on arterials with a posted speed limit of 30 mph or less, collector streets, or minor arterials to fill a gap in the bike network. Bus lanes may also be designated as shared bus/bike lanes.
Design Guidance
- Shared Lane Markings may be used within any lane with motorists. Shared Lane Markings shall not be used on shoulders, in designated bicycle lanes, or bicycle lane extensions through intersections.
- Shared Lane Markings should be placed in the center of the travel lane. Shared lane markings are not recommended if the travel lane is wider than 14 feet or if the incline exceeds 5% grade.
- Where used, Shared Lane Markings should be placed immediately after an intersection, and spaced at intervals not greater than 250 feet thereafter. More frequent spaces is recommended on higher volume streets.