Tag: signage

3.5 Structures Within the Right-of-Way

City-owned structures are structures in the City’s right-of-way installed to benefit the general public, built according to approved plans and specifications, which then are owned and maintained by...Read More

3.10 Transit

There are two general types of transit service within the City of Seattle as defined by the Transit Master Plan (TMP) – the Frequent Transit Network (FTN) and the Local Transit Network (LTN). The Ci...Read More


A standardized system for wayfinding can provide pedestrians consistent information to common questions such as: Where am I? How do I get there? How long will it take? What is there to see and do here...Read More

Bike Intersection Design

Design Guidance Conflicts between bicyclists and pedestrians and motorists can be reduced using geometric design and/or signal phasing. Geometric design: Conflict locations should be separated so trav...Read More