Tag: ADA
The design of Seattle’s street right-of-way has a significant impact on the livability of the city as well as the health, safety, and welfare of its residents. The width of a sidewalk, radius of a c...Read MoreThe following goals should inform the location and installation of all adaptive design strategies: Safe – Every adaptive design strategy must increase or maintain an already high level of safety whe...Read MorePavement to parks are street-level public space created by reconfiguring and restricting vehicle access to underutilized roadway space. Slip lanes, redundant streets, and skewed intersections are all ...Read MoreAdaptive treatments may be applied mid-block to reallocate space to pedestrians or bicycles or calm traffic. Mid-block adaptive treatments consist of a clearly defined space delineated by striping and...Read MoreSDOT’s goal is to provide an interconnected pedestrian network consisting of sidewalks, curb ramps stairways and convenient street crossing opportunities that facilitate walking as a safe, attractiv...Read MoreThere are two general types of transit service within the City of Seattle as defined by the Transit Master Plan (TMP) – the Frequent Transit Network (FTN) and the Local Transit Network (LTN). The Ci...Read MoreAccessibility Policy and Design Framework The guidance provided in this section of Streets Illustrated focuses on compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act in public right-of-way in Seattle....Read MoreBest Management Practice Description Protected bike lanes are exclusive bicycle facilities where bicyclists are separated from sidewalks and motor vehicle traffic by physical features intended to prev...Read MoreComplete and proper street grading can be a challenge in Seattle because of steep slopes and variable topography. Construction of street improvements requires grading the right-of-way to the standard...Read MoreIntelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) refer to the devices used to facilitate dynamic transportation operations. These devices include traffic control devices such as traffic signals, flashing beac...Read More 1