Explore the Manual
Streets Illustrated Map
1 Overview
1.1 Vision, Purpose, and Authority
1.2 A Complete Streets Approach
1.3 Other Policy Standards and Guidelines
1.4 Departmental Roles and Responsibilities
1.5 Contact Information
2 Street Type Standards
2.1 Right-of-Way Allocation
2.2 Relationship to Modal Plans
2.3 Street Classification
2.4 Street Type Map
2.5 Downtown
2.7 Downtown Neighborhood Access
2.6 Downtown Neighborhood
2.8 Urban Village Main
2.10 Urban Village Neighborhood Access
2.9 Urban Village Neighborhood
2.11 Urban Center Connector
2.12 Neighborhood Corridor
2.13 Industrial Access
2.14 Minor Industrial Access
2.15 Neighborhood Yield
2.16 Commercial Alley
2.17 Curbless Deviations
3 Design Standards
3.1 Construction of Roadways
Design Cross Section
Roadway Pavement
Roadway Width
Turn Arounds and Cul-de-Sacs
Access Easements and Driveways
3.2 Sidewalks
3.3 Clearances
3.4 Drainage
On-Site Stormwater Management BMPs
Clearances and setbacks
Stormwater Collection
Sanitary and Combined Sewers
3.5 Structures Within the Right-of-Way
3.6 Street and Pedestrian Lighting
3.7 Street Trees
3.8 Bicycle
Protected Bike Lanes
In-Street, Minor Separation
Shared Lanes
Bike Lanes and Transit Service
Bike Intersection Design
Neighborhood Greenways and Trail/Shared Use Path Crossings
Bike Parking
3.9 Intersections
Intelligent Transportation Systems
Pedestrian Crossing
3.10 Transit
3.11 Freight
3.12 Traffic Calming
3.13 Utilities
3.14 Access Criteria
3.15 Fire Station Area
3.16 Downtown Design
4 Navigating the Process
4.1 City of Seattle Permit Process
4.2 City of Seattle Environmental Review and Approvals
4.3 County, State and Federal Permits and Approvals
4.4 SDOT Permit Types
Construction Permits
Right-of-Way Management Permits
Public Space Permits
Term Permits
4.5 Preliminary Assessment Report
4.6 Deviation Process
4.7 Construction and Maintenance
Construction Inspection and Testing Procedures
Preconstruction Activities
Traffic Control Requirements
Locating Underground Utilities
Protection of Survey Monuments
Construction of Stormwater Control
Demolition and Grading During Construction
Hazardous Material Containment
Excavation, Shoring, and Safety Systems During Construction
Street and Sidewalk Right of Way Opening and Restoration Rule
Other Related Information
4.8 Other Street Right-of-Way Improvement Activities
5 Urban Design
5.1 Adaptive Design
Design and Siting
Intersection Treatments
Adaptive Mid-Block Treatments
Adaptive Protected Bike Lanes
Pavement to Parks
Implementation and Operation
5.2 Programming Public Space
Sidewalk Cafes
Traffic Signal Box Artwork
Painted Street Murals
Public Art
Neighborhood Block Parties
Play Streets
Festival Streets
Unimproved Right-of-Way
Shoreline Street Ends
5.4 Green Streets
Green Street Locations
Design Criteria
Designation Process
Permit Process
5.3 Street Concept Plans
Design Template
Approval Process
List of Approved Street Concept Plans
6 Glossary
Version 1.1
Other Links
Printable Sitemap
Seattle Right-of-Way
Improvements Manual
Allison Ong
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