4.6 Deviation Process

Last Updated: 6-11-2017Print page

The Deviation Request Process defined in this section applies to deviations from the design standards presented in this Manual, and does not apply to or replace, any other deviation, deviation or exception process required for the City of Seattle permits or approvals or those of other agencies. For instance, requests to modify or waive a Land Use Code requirement for street improvements must be submitted to SDCI (see SDCI TIP 205 for instructions to apply for Street and Alley Improvement Exceptions). The design standards presented in this Manual have been developed to assure that Seattle’s street right-of-way are designed in such a manner as to protect the health, safety, and welfare of the public and to minimize post-construction maintenance and repair costs.

A deviation from the design standards in this Manual may be applied for by following the process defined in this section. The final decision on whether a deviation request is granted lies with SDOT. This deviation process applies to private development projects (SIP and non SIP), capital projects by public agencies and public space permits.

Deviation Request Submittal Process

Deviation request submittal: If the applicant chooses to apply for a deviation, he or she must submit the following:

  • A completed Deviation Request Form. Depending on the nature of the improvement, SDOT may require the deviation request to be signed and sealed by a professional engineer.
  • Description of how proposed work is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan, Adopted Modal Plans and Design Standards, Assigned Street Type Dimensions, Street Concept Plans, as well as any neighborhood plans relevant to the area.
  • Engineering justification for the deviation proposal. The justification should describe the impacts of meeting the standard and why the deviation is the preferred alternative.
  • Information on existing and predicted vehicular and pedestrian traffic volumes, when changes are expected as a result of the project.
  • Any additional information that SDOT determine necessary to evaluate the deviation request.
  • For Capital projects, the Complete Streets checklist requires consultation with the modal plan representative when projects impact modal plan recommendations or if design does not meet modal design standards.

Deviation request coordination and review: When a deviation request is submitted, SDOT’s lead staff will consult with appropriate staff within SDOT and other departments that will be impacted by the deviation, and notify the applicant of the outcome of the request.